Tips for Angular Directives || Tips en Directivas de Angular
The Restrict Option || La opcion Restrict
We have four different types of representations a directive can have, and all of them are denoted by the Restrict option listed as follows. || Tenemos cuatro tipos diferentes de representaciones para las directivas, todas ellas se denotan por la opcion Restrict, esas opciones son las siguientes.
What is the restrict option? || Que es la opcion de restrict?
Restrict: 'A' – This option represents the directive that is an attribute || atributo of the element (default), which implies that Angular is looking for
<div my-directive> </div>
Restrict: 'E' – This option represents the directive that is an element || elemento, which implies that Angular is looking for
<my-directive> </my-directive>
Restrict: 'C' – This option represents the directive that is a || Esta opción representa que la directiva esta class definition || definida como clase, which implies that Angular is looking for || lo cual implica que Angular esta esperando por
<div class="my-directive"></div>
Restrict: 'M' – This option represents the directive that is a comment || comentario, which implies that Angular is looking for
<!-- directive: my-directiveattrs-->
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